
SurplusGLOBAL Cluster Time-Lapse Video. 3 March 2021

  • SG Live
  • 2021-03-03

🌐SurplusGLOBAL Cluster is a new Semiconductor Equipment Cluster in Yong-In, South Korea, offering access to the largest complex of used semiconductor equipment. Nearly 30 companies related to the semiconductor equipment industry are currently scheduled to move in to cluster. Plans are to complete the construction of the floor space of 68,317m2 (20,665 Pyeong) with six stories high by June 2021.

💡Helping you to minimize facility investment by using our Semiconductor Equipment Cluster. Book a call now and discuss how to optimize your business by using our cluster.


#costreduction​ #informationtechnology
#entrepreneurship​ #semiconductor
#sharedoffice​ #startups
#constructiontimelapse #SurplusGLOBAL

SurplusGLOBAL, Inc. | 56, Seochon-ro, Namsa-eup, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17118, Korea | Tel: +82-31-728-1400 Fax: +82-31-728-1401

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